Unlocking Dreams

Empowering Children Through Education

Creating Opportunities for Brilliance in the Northern Areas of Mauritius

Our Story

A Journey of Making Dreams Come True

SVC is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing assistance to those in need. We offer IT materials and organize leisure activities for students in the northern areas of the island of Mauritius. With the support of local schools, clubs, and villagers, we strive to be the dream maker for children who excel in their studies.

Our Services

What We Offer

IT Materials

Providing essential IT materials to students in need

Leisure Activities

Organizing engaging leisure activities for students

School Support

Providing comprehensive assistance to local schools

How It Works

Supporting Brilliance, Step by Step

Our Process in a Nutshell


Interested students apply for our assistance program.


We evaluate the applicants’ academic performance and potential.


Selected students receive IT materials and engage in educational and leisure activities.

Be part of our journey to empower brilliant minds!

Why Choose Us

Our Unique Value Proposition

Holistic Approach

We provide comprehensive support to students, encompassing not just academics but also personal growth.

Community Collaboration

We collaborate with local schools, clubs, and villagers to create a strong network of support.

Long-lasting Impact

Through our assistance, students have the opportunity to excel and create a bright future.

What Our Students Say


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